Greetings. So things are really underway now. I’ll backtrack some to get you caught up. Thursday morning we meet up, grab some gear, hit Costco, eat some chicken and head down to Broad Street. We have four days of tracking scheduled for Studio A, which is on the first floor. The main room is quite large and the drum kit is set up in the middle. The guitar amps are put in isolation rooms to minimize the sound bleed. Everyone has their own headphone mix to monitor as we track. It’s a nice set up to have everyone in the room so we can rock out, vibe, or whatever. A good part of the first day is spent getting the drums, drum mics, and room mics set up. As we were getting setting up, John and I discovered my tuner pedal was jacked. While it still works as a tuner, it was killing my signal and adding nasty hiss. Easy fix. It’s out of the chain. Now the bass, along with some shiny new strings, is sounding vicious. Tyler has brought the Reverend out of semi-retirement and it’s lending its growl to the mix.
Finally, mid-afternoon we begin with “Safe and Sound.” We run a couple takes then break for dinner. We’re off to Tarrant’s for fish tacos—delicious. Full-bellied, we return and knock out the bass and drum tracks. John is meticulous in his direction and editing. The song has never sounded better. After punching in a few fills and bass parts, we move on to “Superstar Me.” This song is going to sound big.
Day seven starts off with eats at Black Sheep. The day is spent working on “Shop You Around” and “Traces of Gold”—our now self-ascribed Olympic theme-song. We’ve added an extended instrumental section that is sounding real nice. Even the interns are humming along. Keywords for the day: Van Halen Shreds, squeeze of lime, prog rock, tarrant’s white pizza, mu-tron bass.
Saturday is a day off, so we’ll be back in noon Sunday.